
Taglit & ServiceWise in Dreamforce 2019


Digital-first Relationship Management fundraising approach with NPSP

Flora Segal, CIO Birthright Israel & Bentsi Brandes, co-CEO ServiceWise

November 21, 2019


לצפייה בהרצאה המלאה  …   Watch the full session


About Taglit-Birthright Israel

largest educational tourism organization in the world,
which offers a free trip to Israel for young Jewish adults and transforming the Jewish future around the world

700K Participants

100K Israelis

68 Countries

19 Years

$120 Million Annual Budget

$400 Million In GDP impact


Our Fundraising Markets

Largest Market is North America (80% of the funding) – Managed by our Birthright Israel Foundation

Worldwide Fundraising is managed from our operational headquarters in Israel











Our Challenge

Streamline Fundraising Processing around the globe

Have one centralized system with one set of data = one truth

Move away from manual process managed on personal spreadsheets



Why Salesforce?


Work Process Best Practices

Marketing Automation best of breed

Self Service

Continues functionality growth

“Non for Profit” Discounts


Our Solution

Architecture &Tools


Challenges and Workarounds during implementation 

Challenge: Manage regional annual goals vs. account forecast, pledges and payments

Solution: de-normalize all data objects into one flat dataset for reporting


Challenge: Data Migration from multiple data sources

Solution: Using Demand Tools to upset information in multiple steps.  Invest hundreds of hours for quality QA


Challenge: Issue receipts to payors while acknowledging the actual donor

Solution: Create a Payor account object with master detail relationship to donor account.
When used in payment record, automate receipts via process builder


Challenge: Support multiple country based accounting processes: some which local currency
management and USD exchange rates, some without

Solution: managing two sets of fields for local pledge/payment amounts as well as multicurrency
with USD as the main currency. Overriding vanilla exchange information when receiving
both local and USD amounts from accounting software around the world.


Challenge: process assimilation with the fundraisers

Solution: invest a lot in joint and individual training hours. Provide almost real time support to
users in order to increase their engagement with the system. Invest in mobile layouts
and APP to provide clean and easy access to enter accounts, moved, meeting
summaries and pledges. Get the management on board!


Digital Fundraising

Personalized campaigns for leads and small prospects and donors

Multilingual and multicultural using Pardot


Results and Metrics

30% Donor base increase

12 Countries from 4 continents on board

1,900 Weekly logins

2,000+ Pledges in 2019 reported

340 Substantive moves

$7.1 Million Raised to date


Our Road Map on Digital

Connect to online global donation form

Create SMS donation campaigns

Personal fundraising


Our Road Map on Back-office

Automate individually designed acknowledgements

Bring on more operating countries

Finalize GDPR regulations


Anything is possible with the right team of people using the right set of tools and best practices


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